Friday, April 13, 2001

I hate job rejection letters probably more than anything else... Well, I hate bills, but other than that job rejections are the worst. That letter shows up in the mail with the nice logo of whomever it was I applied with and I instantly know what it is, "thanks but no thanks" I haven't even had that many of them, but for every one I get it seems so much worse and makes me lose hope that there is something better out there. My job blows... it's no longer fun, I don't get to do anything I'm qualified and trained for, it's basically trained monkey business... at least it's the weekend and I get to hang out with friends and enjoy myself for a couple days before having to come back.. I would keep typing and complaining, but it's not even worth it today...

Thursday, April 12, 2001

blogger isn't working right... ack
my toe still hurts and i'm all cranky... more tomorrow...

Wednesday, April 11, 2001

My old department at work is just about completely phased out. People are looting all the stuff and putting up new cubicle walls to divide the space. It's sad to see it go away. I miss working with fun people. Right now I don't really have a new team, just working with people I don't know. So I can't really be myself around some of them, If I did their first impressions would probably be that I'm mentally handicapped, coupled with the fact that I have a broken toe and that I'm hobbling around, I just look ridiculous. Not that I care, I would just as soon shove all these people down in the parking lot walking to my truck but diplomacy and good will prevails... so I'm basically just clearing old reports and garbage out so more people can invade my space... super.

I saw last night that there is yet ANOTHER awards show on TV tonight. I believe it's the Blockbuster awards. Do we really need to give the same damn people the same awards? Isn't Blockbuster getting bought out by Wherehouse? Shouldn't it be the "Wherehouse Awards"? That makes it sound classy. It's completely retarded that there are so many of these things. I understand the Grammy's, they've been around for awhile, they've earned a place... the MTV awards are kind of a joke but also kind of funny when you get people like Chris Rock to show up and make fun of jackasses like that eminem guy... what a chump.
But then you get the People's Choice, the I Just Shot a Guy in the Ass with a Dart Gun awards, Teen Awards, do we really need this many award shows? The only thing that most of these people are qualified for other than showing off their "bling bling" is working at the Car Wash near my apartment, in fact I think I saw Britney down there a couple days ago... Speaking of my apartment, I probably won't be able to get anywhere near it today because good ol' George W. Bush, yep the President of Oscar Meyer is going to be less than a mile from it tonight, right about the time I get out of work, he's going to be speaking at the stadium at East Carolina University, all the jerkholes will probably have my road blocked off and I'll have to go spend the night in target or Barnes and Noble.

Did I mention I hate Frat people? I know that has nothing to do with anything I've just written, but the more I see them the more I can't stand them... does anybody read any of this? If you do let me know... OK?

Also there is this guy that walks past my desk every day and says "WHASSSUP?" like the beer guys, he's been doing this for a year.. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. and you know, it just keeps getting funnier.... ug.

Tuesday, April 10, 2001

Hey it's me again. I can't stand it when I have friends move away. I swear, most every person that I love to death, my closest friends, those that are more like family are fucking eons away. My friend Greg is one of the greatest people I've ever known, he's basically the other half of my brain, and he lives f'n 3000 miles away. That's pretty damn far. I miss him, I miss my friend Steve too he's the one mentioned as "Scabface" somewhere down below. (I didn't name him that, it just stuck.) Steve doesn't really live all that far away, but I never have the same time off as Crystal to make trips anywhere. Therefore Steve kind of gets put on the back burner and I hate that, because he's also family. I've been brooding over this for a while, growing up is a sack of shit. Granted I'm only in my mid-twenties but damn, shit just gets harder as those closest to me creep farther and farther away... hell everybody I care about sans Crystal, Jody and a few others are at least a few hours away. It's hard, and I wish I could see them more. Makes me want to cry sometimes, um did I say cry, I meant punch stuff, yeah...
I enjoy keeping this little blog... it makes me happy, I kind of get to spill my guts into it and if anybody cares enough to read my boring inane drivel then all the better.
--Ryan, if that "heal quickly" was for me... you rule.

For the record: The toe is still broken, I like monkeys, and I now have to pay 305 clams to a lawyer in Virginia for a speeding ticket to get cleared from when I was heading up to Atlantic City. It sucks, I'm an awesome driver and got caught in a speed trap on I-95, now I gotta fork over hard earned money to fix it. But I would rather pay the lawyer that the Insurance Company, what a sack of garbage. I'll post the entire trip log that we wrote during our little excursion north, I just got it back, it's humorous.. or at least I think so....

Back to work...

Monday, April 09, 2001

Email me, we'll talk... I worked on Saturday, I was off yesterday, although I should have worked...maybe I wouldn't have broken my stupid toe. As it goes, I was riding a bicycle and was standing up peddling really fast when the chain broke, my foot went down hard and was bent backwards my body had enough momentum to want to sling me over the handlebars but my other wirey leg that wasn't being destroyed was somehow directed by my panic stricken brain to save my carcass and push it's self out for the better of my head and torso. Regardless, I managed to not only NOT fall but to remain completely standing and had the bike under control... I knew my toe was busted as soon as I stepped down on it, it's the second to last toe on my left foot, by far the best toe to incapcitate if ever you have the choice. It's all black and blue and there is only one pair of shoes I can wear without being in pain, hence I'm wearing them...
Also, we went down to Backdoor (the place that the Transmegetti was supposed to be playing) and the place was locked up and dark at 8:15, doors were supposed to "open at 8" you... yet another bag over the head, punch in the face. I haven't seen any of the rock in forever. This blows. My friend Scabface has informed me that Sick OF IT All is coming, that will be pretty fun, and apparently Elliott is coming around as well. Maybe I'll make it to something and not have it jerked out from under me.
Today I'm actually in my new department. Funny enough, its the same seat as I on Friday... just different duties.. ROCK.

Also, update from the last post... didn't get to ride go carts because my friend James descided to jump a chain link fence and gash his hand open, requiring 10 stitches... IN THE PALM OF HIS HAND.. and he's an artist so he kinda needs that thing.

I'll tip my 40 on the office carpet to his hand... well it's more like bottled water than a "40" but you get the idea...